Duck Woods Country Club - Intro to Fitness & Resistance Training

We lead folks through a lecture which included importance of strength, optimal approach to gaining strength, a how to squat practical, expectations of a coach, plus more.
20+ folks improved their squat mechanics and learned the importance of resistance training, management and prevention of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, and Type 2 Diabetes to name a few.
Resistance training is supported and recommended as an essential part of an exercise therapy program and has been endorsed by the American Heart Association, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the American Diabetes Association. These recommendations are primarily based on the effects of RT on muscle strength, cross-sectional studies have shown that muscle mass is inversely associated with all-cause mortality and the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, independent of cardiorespiratory fitness levels.

This picture was taken during the exercise selection segment of our seminar. We spoke on 3 criteria our exercise selection satisfies.
1) Uses most muscle mass
2) Most weight / exercises that allows most weight loaded on the skeleton
3) Greatest effective ROM (range of motion)
With respects to lean body mass, skeletal muscle, and bone mass, RT is optimal, while also improving medical relevant parameters, such as:
-Fasting blood sugar
-Body fat
-Waist circumference
-Blood pressure
-Bone density
-Cognitive capacity

Barbells demand balance & coordination since we must control the bar. Ultimately bones support the load, since bone is living it too adapts (Wolff's Law).
Barbells permit minute adjustments & allow our bodies to function as a complete system.
Machines force the body to move according to design of machine and machines require no balancing.
My goal is to empower more individuals to make healthy changes in their lives by giving them resources, evidence-based strategies, and additional support through the community. I know increasing awareness of the behavior, self efficacy in managing the behavior, and skills to engage in the behavior improves outcomes.
References -
This study showed that powerlifters and weightlifters both have more developed soft tissue (tighter knees) that non trained controls. - Chandler and Stone 1991
1994 issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine - showed that the hamstring’s involvement in the squat plays a role in protecting the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) - Manariello, Backus, and Parker
1978 study in Research Quaterly - "low back muscles are used primarily in an isometric function, that is they simply stabilize the spine and trunk, and not shorter or lengthen under load. This effectively trains these muscles in their proper function, thereby making the squat a functional exercise for the back as well as the legs" - McLaughlin, Lardner, and Dillman